Monday, April 16, 2012

Varsity/JV Update: Week of April 16

A huge thank you to all the boys & parents who helped shovel off a portion of the turf on Saturday.  The amount of snow is stubborn evidence of our record-breaking snow fall this year!

JV News: 

The ASD website currently shows JV playing Eagle River at Dimond, Thursday, April 19th at 7pm. (This game is no  longer on the schedule.)   Keep checking our website for the most current schedule information.  Rescheduling of JV games is on hold until we know when the fields will be usable and how many games need to be rescheduled.  Games will be scheduled where they can, likely back to back as well as three in a row.  JV season may also be extended to run concurrent with the Region Tournament.

There will be no JV practice on Friday, in order for everyone to come and cheer Dimond Varsity on against South at the Dome at 2:50.  Directly following the Varsity game there will be a JV team dinner at Kyle Stone's House located at 9311 Shorecrest Drive.  (Go East on Dimond, left on Endicott, and right on Shorecrest.)    

Varsity News:  

 It will be a busy week with our game against Eagle River 6:30pm on Tuesday at the Dome and our much anticipated match against South  at 2:50 on Friday at the Dome. Keep checking our website or the ASD site (link on the right of this page) at for the latest schedule information.

There will be a team dinner , Monday, April 16th right after practice at Jake Henke's House. Address: 7740 Berry Circle.

Graze to Raise:

Please continue selling your "5K Graze to Raise"  as Jane Sedor  will be at practice on Wednesday, April 25th to collect your envelopes.  Remember you are not giving the people anything at the point of sale.  You are just collecting their cash and/or check made out to Dimond Boys Soccer (or Alaska Visitor Industry Charity Walk) and filling out a release form for each walker.  These go into your envelope.  Once we register our team on Monday, April 30th we will be given bibs that are the tickets for this event.   You will need to hand these bibs out to whomever you sold the "5K Graze to Raise" to, as these are their tickets to get in.  If you have any questions or need more brochures or release forms see Jane Sedor or Sheema.

Thanks to all of the parents that showed up at our last Booster meeting to help plan our Senior Appreciation Game.
Have a great week and GO LYNX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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